SM2 / Spectrometer |
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Power Converter Characteristics
Operation Responsibles
Power Converter ArchitectureSM2 magnet is located on M2 beam line inside PPE221 zone. It is supplied by the RPABT.BA82.RSM2.COMPASS power converter. SM2 power converter architecture Power PartThe SM2 power converter consists of two 6-pulse rectifier modules, connected in parallel. The bridges are fed from the 18 kV network through two cast resin power transformers phase-shifted 30°. A mechanical polarity-reversal switch is present after the passive filter. Power Part simplified Architecture / Topology .pdf Control & Regulation PartSM2 control synoptique High precision current control loop is managed by the digital controller called FGC3 (Function Generator Controller 3). This unit includes a high precision Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Converter which digitalize the analog current measurement coming from 2 DCCTs (DC current Transducer). Precision is then directly relying on sensor precision: DCCT, the ADCs, and the algorithm being used for the regulation loop. Magnet ProtectionThe SK101 cable brings back all the interlocks magnet of the spectrometer. There are 6 interlocks (Water Pressure, Water Temp, Coil Temp, Eletta, Red Button, Terminal Box) which are grouped in two interlocks for the regFGC3 electronics.
Magnet connectionSM2 Magnet connection simplified schematic Magnet Types
Machine Installation
SM2 power converter is installed in North area: Production Contract & Contract History